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We've been having an ongoing battle between some Raccoons, Skunks, and a Giant Possum and our dog Pi...
I've really been enjoying the ATN X Sight 4K Pro on top of my EDgun Leshiy (R5M, and soon Leyla). ...
Checkout EDgun Leshiy TV I created EDgun Leshiy TV as a solution to what I viewed as a problem... As...
So... you thought it was the end of my search for perfect Lelya configuration? You were all wrong! V...
The EDgun Leshiy and ATN X Sight 4K Pro combination makes for a deadly tool for Pest Control. I hav...
If you're a frequent reader of the EDgun Leshiy site, or follow along on YouTube or Instagram , y...
This squirrel season has been nuts! So nuts, I haven't left my yard to get any. If I wanted to, I ...
I find myself answering questions quite a bit on my setup, so while I love to chat with folks about ...
The EDgun Leshiy is at it again... this time I have some Rat, Squirrel, Chipmunk, AND a SKUNK footag...
This episode of backyard hunting / pest control is focused on Squirrels. We have 1000's of squirrel...
In this episode of backyard pest control I'm focusing on a major problem animal in my town... the sk...
In this episode of backyard pest control, I'm fully embracing the low power, ultra quiet / backyard ...
I want to circle back on this notion of "backyard friendly". As you're fully aware at this point, I...
The EDgun Leshiy is pretty quiet to start with, but for many people in urban environments it’s still...
I'm coming back with a mid week post to show you guys a crazy 24 hour pesting session I had. My nei...
I had another busy week of backyard pest control! I'll get started with the smelliest of them all......
I have a youtube channel where you can see many of these in realtime, but I have created a section w...
At this point I'm sure if you're an active reader on this blog, or just a EDgun Leshiy connoisseur, ...
As an admin of both the EDgun Leshiy website and the Leshiy Owners Group I see a tone of questions o...